Thursday, June 7, 2007

gmod Leveler

This is a "Thing" that stays level so if it is on a slop the part you sit on is still level :)

Not meny people have been committing.


Anonymous said...

HI! very interesting. have you considered commenting on other peoples blogs?

Go+ said...

When there is something for me to commant about then i do.

Anonymous said...

well maybe it's the same with other peole....

Go+ said...

I think it is just that only me comes to my blog unliss i tell people about it.

Jane said...

That's kinda cool. The "Thing" I mean.

I try to get around to all the blogs, but there's just so many! And my time is limited. That might be partly other people's reason too. But Beth does have a point. People are more likely to comment on your blog if you comment on theirs.

Go+ said...

Yea but i don't talk much so i can never think of what to comment on othor peoples blogs :(

Jane said...

Yeah, that would be a problem.

So, anything new with you today?

You can read all about my life on my blog.

Go+ said...

Not that i can think of.
I got new pants yesterday tho :)
I have been needing new pants.

Anonymous said...

cool! new pants are always a good thing. lol!!!

Go+ said...
