Saturday, March 17, 2007

Maze video

I made a video of maze.
You can watch it on my web site

Does any one know of a good free video editor? Like windows Movie Maker but better.

Here is the same video i have on my web site but a bit smaller.


Anonymous said...

i can't see da movie. *cries*

Go+ said...

i fixed it now you can

Crocoagator_Raaa said...

Do you know how many levels your gonna have on Maze2?

Go+ said...

No i don't

Crocoagator_Raaa said...

oh ok

Ruth said...

No, I have no idea what another good movie editor thingy-muh-bobber would be.....I like your movie. Yeah. But why the other link ON the movie about Joel and David?

Go+ said...

It's some thing the place im hosting the video at puts there