Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Battlefield 2

Iv been playing bf2 lately. So I made my mod launcher for bf2.image

I just copied my bf42 mod launcher, and changed a few things so it works with bf2.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Basic RPG

Iv been working on a basic RPG in vb.net. My goal is to create some AI. I would like the AI to live there lives. Eat, sleep, cook, work, etc…   Currently they can cook, eat and sleep.  When they are doing something, they just stand there.


Thursday, January 7, 2010


I messed with Unity3D a little wile ago, I don’t like how the physics are handled for vehicles.image

You have to do more coding then what you should need to do, And a lot of it is faked.


If you are planning on using Unity3D for something like a FPS or an RPG, I think it would work pretty good.